Maximize Your Income By Checking Your Stats
Writing articles is just half of the story. The other half is submitting your articles. And which sites you submit your articles to may be more important than writing them. A well-written article with a good title and compelling resource box will usually receive many page views. The more page views you get, the more clicks you will receive. And more clicks translate into more traffic and income.
To maximize your article income, it is important to check your website statistics often. I check mine every day. If you notice that you are not getting any traffic from a site that you have submitted to on a regular basis, log in to the site and check your article stats.
Some sites take forever to approve articles. Many times, you will find that your articles are not being approved in a timely manner. Sometimes, webmasters become unhappy with a site because it requires more work than they thought or because they are making less money than they hoped. When this happens, a site can suffer from a lack of attention. If you have a lot of articles there and they are not getting approved, stop submitting to that site. There is no sense in wasting your time on that site. If it is an important site to you and you want to continue submitting, check back in a few weeks. If your articles still have not been approved, eliminate the site completely and replace them with another site.
Another reason that you are getting little or no traffic from a directory is the type of clientele that visits the site. Many directories cater to particular niches. If your articles fall outside that niche, few people may be interested in the topics of your articles. If you suspect that this is happening, log onto the site and check your stats. First ensure that your articles are being approved promptly. If they are, check on the number of page views that you are getting and compare it to page views from other directories. If the page views are okay, make sure that your resource box is being displayed with your article.
By carefully checking your website stats, and then routinely looking at your article directory stats, you can maximize the returns you get from your article business.
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