Submit Write And Watch Your Income Explode

In order to achieve your article marketing goals you've got to submit your articles to the right sites. Submitting properly can make the difference between getting tons of traffic and getting none at all. Back links from some sites can be extremely productive while back links from the wring sites can be absolutely worthless. It is a matter of identifying your goals and proper submission tactics.

Everyone knows that you should submit articles to the largest sites, but it goes much deeper than that. If you want to make money, you can generate 2 to 3 times the traffic by submitting your articles to niche directories related to your site. However, many of these niche directories are very small and, under certain circumstances, may even hurt the page rank of your site.
Are you looking for traffic? Submit your articles to the 10 to 20 largest sites. If you want your traffic and income to explode, use the 50 largest sites. Although it may be a bit time consuming to use this many directories, it may prove to be worth your while.

Any article marketing campaign will benefit by writing articles frequently. Try writing 1 to 3 articles a day and watch your Internet business take off. Of course, if you intend to write 3 articles each day, you w2ould benefit by using article submission software. These programs can speed up the submission process considerably.

Try some of the tactics above and see for yourself how your business improves. I'm proof that it can happen and believe me; I'm not a brain surgeon.

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