Why You Want To Know How To Publish Your Own Book
If you have already written a book you may be dealing with the decision of whether or not you want to publish your book traditionally or whether self-publishing is a better option. In order to make this decision, it is important to learn as much as you can about both industries.
There are definitely very compelling reasons to self publish and I must point out that if you self publish first, it does not prevent you from traditionally publishing later on. In fact, many authors who dealt with the struggles of seeking traditional publishing, believed in their book, and self published went on to great success and traditional publishing contracts worth 10 times what they would have received initially. Why?
Traditional publishers like to bank on a sure thing. Once you're self published and selling well, guess what, you are a sure thing.
Unfortunately, it does not work in reverse. You cannot normally traditionally publish and then change your mind and self publish. Why? Because when you publish traditionally, you sell the rights to your book. You no longer own it and are not able to make any decisions regarding what happens to it. If you haven't written a book yet, it is important to know how to publish your own book because you'll learn not only how easy it is but how much money you can make!
You can leverage your published book into a substantial annual income. You can use it as a calling card for your business. Use it to enhance your expert status and credibility. Use it as the foundation of a new business. Use it to build a sales funnel and increase back end sales and repeat customers. Use it to increase your opportunities. A published book is a great thing. It's available for all of the world to see and experience and you can sell your book 24/7. Best of all, the tools and technology available today makes it easy to print, publish, distribute, market and fulfill your customers needs all while you're taking care of other things, or having fun!
Knowing what your options are and educating yourself about self publishing is a powerful step in the right direction - the direction of changing your life for the better and fulfilling your dreams of being a published, and wealthy, author!